Season Premiere
Discussion and article open at 11:32 pm, Eastern time.
A few guidelines/reminders for us all!
- No spoilers! We are spoiler free on this forum. Information about the week's episode is considered a spoiler only until it is broadcast in the U.S. Eastern time zone.
- Once the episode has finished running in the U.S. Eastern Time Zone (11:00 pm Eastern/8:00 Pacific time), discussion of the episode is open. Until then, speculate all you'd care to, but be respectful of those who don't want to be spoiled -- that means you, early downloaders. Westies, want to avoid being spoiled after 8:00 pm? This isn't the place to be.
- The episode article will be open to edit following the east coast broadcast. Everyone has a contribution to make. Click on the episode title under TOPICS at the bottom of the page to go to the article.
- Please stay on topic! There's nothing as annoying as an editor or two wandering way off the topic, especially in the episode threads.
- Please be respectful of one another's ideas. We want healthy discussion, which means a free exchange of ideas and the right to disagree without conflict. That's always been a hallmark of this board. Let's have fun!