One way to take it is that Tyrell is Elliot's dad, except younger than the Christian Slater version, like when he worked at Evil Corps. Joanna discusses giving birth to a girl and giving her up for adoption while talking about how much she loves her newborn son. This could refer to Darlene, and how she is absent from all of Elliot's childhood flashbacks. She also looks like Elliot's abusive mother. She seems to know Elliot when they talk, and looks like she may know about Elliot's mental illness, similar to Elliot's mother later in the finale in Time Square. Is Tyrell another manifestation of Mr. Robot? Possibly. Another way to take it is that they are all real people, just another couple repeating Elliot's childhood memories.
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Originally posted by Mahesh 98
I know this sounds weird, but hear me out...
After binge watching the show for 5th time, I noticed something strange. The season finale, during the post credit scene where Whiterose is seen talking to the CEO of Evil Corp. in the mansion where a bunch other wealthy people ( or as Elliot would call them - "The top 1% of the top 1%. The guys that play God without permission." ;) ) are seen socialising, one would assume that Whiterose is working with Evil Corp. all along, right?
Well, maybe... Could it possible that Whiterose could be like a triple agent who is actually on Elliot's side? There was this particular line in that post credit scene that got me suspicious.
Whiterose: "Oh, your troubles are weighing heavily on you. I'm not entirely sure why. I was told that you know the person responsible."
Phillip Price: "Yes, yes. Of course we do. And we'll handle that person as we usually do."
There isn't a doubt that they were talking about Elliot. But this is why I think it's strange. Whiterose knows Elliot ( from the meeting in episode 8 ), but instead of saying Elliot's name to Philip Price he says -" I was told that you know the person responsible."
So basically, he saying that he (at least to some degree) didn't know who initiated the hack. Which means that he's lying. So could it be possible that he is actually working with Elliot as his inside man? I agree that it sounds kinda far fetched, but when you really think about it makes sense.
In episode 8, at the end of meeting with Whiterose, Elliot says - "Why are you working with us?" Whiterose doesn't respond, instead she just smiles. Which could indicate that Whiterose is working with the Evil Corp. or she made some kind of deal with Elliot and he could have forgotten about it. It's seems possible as during this time Elliot completely forgets about his past.
Whiterose isn't going to be some kinda of secondary antagonist in show. With less than 20 minutes of screen time throughout the entire season, he/she is still managed to be an interesting character. I think that Whiterose is going to play a pivotal role in the coming season(s).
Anyways, what do you guys think?
Just Updated
Did anyone notice the copy of a translation of The Treasury of the True Dharma Eye (aka Shobogenzo) on display when Terry Colby offered Angela a job in episode 9 (approx 38minutes)? Its a famous Zen Buddhist text written by the founder of the Soto Zen Sect, Eihei Dogen (1200-125?).
I searched the web for some insight on this topic but found nothing. Any ideas as to the influence of Zen and Mr Robot?
Do someone here know which typ of Linux he's on?
And maybe which types of software and kernels he uses? Asking just out of interest (:
Otherwise we might be able to discuss the in movie hacking and probability here, just for fun.
All we know for now is that Mr. Robot has been renewed, but when news comes in, here's the place to discuss it!
I'm very concerned that there are no administrators active on this site. I've done a tremendous amount of work in the last week to bring the site reasonably up-to-date, along with user PLLLOVER1234 (hope I've got your name right!) and with the help of P-T-X, my fellow admin from the Person of Interest wiki. But this site needs active administrators who can update locked pages, CSS, and other limited-access areas of the wiki.
As an experienced admin, I'd like to begin the process of adopting this site. The founder (Hexencoded) has not edited since June 29, admin X-IT as not edited since July 7, and Effectofthemassvariety, the most active admin, has not edited since July 10. The site needs two or three active admins, including one with coding experience, and a bureaucrat. Should I be able to adopt the site, I propose making PLLLOVER1234 and P-T-X admins as well, at minimum (I understand PLL has a friend who has been active here; should she return and edit actively, she would also be a candidate for admin rights.)
Based on Effect's last edit, the earliest the site can be adopted is September 10. However, before that, the process of adoption requires discussion. PLLLOVER1234 and I have had some discussion of this matter on my talk page, but I'd like to formalize the discussion here.