elliot vows to beat mr. robot but it aint easy, smh. angela sees behind the scenes at evil corp. sh*t hits fan with fsociety.
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Season 2 Episode Discussion
3 Posts
7 Replies
Season Premiere
Discussion and article open at 11:32 pm, Eastern time.
A few guidelines/reminders for us all!
- No spoilers! We are spoiler free on this forum. Information about the week's episode is considered a spoiler only until it is broadcast in the U.S. Eastern time zone.
- Once the episode has finished running in the U.S. Eastern Time Zone (11:00 pm Eastern/8:00 Pacific time), discussion of the episode is open. Until then, speculate all you'd care to, but be respectful of those who don't want to be spoiled -- that means you, early downloaders. Westies, want to avoid being spoiled after 8:00 pm? This isn't the place to be.
- The episode article will be open to edit following the east coast broadcast. Everyone has a contribution to make. Click on the episode title under TOPICS at the bottom of the page to go to the article.
- Please stay on topic! There's nothing as annoying as an editor or two wandering way off the topic, especially in the episode threads.
- Please be respectful of one another's ideas. We want healthy discussion, which means a free exchange of ideas and the right to disagree without conflict. That's always been a hallmark of this board. Let's have fun!
(Edited by LeverageGuru)
Just Updated
Welcome to the Mr. Robot Wiki forum and the discussion threads for Season 2. We are looking forward to a great new season, and lively discussion. If you would like to discuss characters in detail we also have our Cast and Characters board. To keep things harmonious, and to avoid issues with spoilers, we have some simple practices.
A few guidelines/reminders for us all!
- No spoilers! We are spoiler free on this forum. Information about the week's episode is considered a spoiler only until it is broadcast in the U.S. Eastern time zone.
- Once the episode has finished running in the U.S. Eastern Time Zone (11:00 pm Eastern/8:00 Pacific time), discussion of the episode is open. Until then, speculate all you'd care to, but be respectful of those who don't want to be spoiled -- that means you, early downloaders. Westies, want to avoid being spoiled after 8:00 pm? This isn't the place to be.
- The episode article will be open to edit following the east coast broadcast. Everyone has a contribution to make. Click on the episode title under TOPICS at the bottom of the page to go to the article.
- Please stay on topic! There's nothing as annoying as an editor or two wandering way off the topic, especially in the episode threads.
- Please be respectful of one another's ideas. We want healthy discussion, which means a free exchange of ideas and the right to disagree without conflict. That's always been a hallmark of this board. Let's have fun!
(Edited by LeverageGuru)