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405 Method Not Allowed
Season 4
Episode 5
Airdate November 3, 2019
Written by Sam Esmail
Directed by Sam Esmail
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404 Not Found 406 Not Acceptable
[Suggest quote]

405 Method Not Allowed is the fifth episode of Season 4 of Mr. Robot. The episode was broadcast on November 3, 2019.



<@mrrobot> no xmas lolz for dom. darelliot gives a run-around. krista plays hookie. quiet pls, the show is on.

Origin of the Title[]

  • "Method Not Allowed" is a HTTP error code indicating the client made a request that the server is unable to handle. For example: If the client tries to retrieve data from a server with a GET command but the server is expecting to recieve data with a POST commnand this error code is used.


On Christmas morning, Elliot burns the van and is picked up by Darlene. Elliot and Darlene, posing as an employee, break into Virtual Realty, the company that keeps the servers for Cyprus National Bank. Elliot installs a firmware hack that gives them 40 minutes to get the information they need while temporarily disabling the security cameras. Nearly getting caught, Elliot triggers a power outage, which aids their escape. The security team calls the police when they realize they've been infiltrated, but only lays eyes on Elliot. He leads the police on a foot chase through Central Park. Darlene is able to walk out, now posing as a gym attendee, and pick up Elliot after he is hit by a car and leaps over a guard rail. Dominique is sent by Janice to the local police department to give the Dark Army control over the van investigation. While meeting with her family, the Central Park incident is on the news. Janice sends her out again to immediately capture Darlene and Elliot, seen on a traffic camera. Elliot texts Phillip that Tyrell won't be coming to the meeting. Phillip follows clues to the location of the Deus Group meeting that night and replies that it'll happen with or without Tyrell. Krista is confronted by Fernando Vera.

Episode Notes[]


  • Darlene uses cyanoacrylate fuming to make the fingerprint stand out on the scanner. Superglue (containing cyanoacrylate) is heated to create a vapour that binds to chemicals in the fingerprint. Water is used to prevent the fingerprint from drying out, which speeds up the processes. To avoid exposing herself to the toxic cyanoacrylate fumes, Darlene uses a sealed plastic container as a fume chamber. Smart Darlene! When she opens the container and the fumes escape, she keeps her head almost directly in their path. Not so smart, Darlene...


  • "Ode to Joy", Performed by Beethoven's Ninth Symphony
  • "Mistletoe and Holly". Recorded by Frank Sinatra (1957)


  • This episode has extremely little dialogue. The "silence" begins when Darlene says "It's OK. We don't need to talk", and finishes at the very end when Vera says to Krista, "It's time we talk".
  • Darlene uses her hacker alias Dolores Haze as her fake identity.
  • The main plot of the episode is a heist on Christmas. This is also central to the plot of the film "Die Hard", which a security guard is watching. Ode to Joy and Frank Sinatra also have connections to Die Hard.



Guest Starring

  • Liz Larson as Trudy DiPierro
  • Dominic Colón as a Virtual Realty Guard
  • Calvin Dutton as Dolph Lawler


  • James DeFilippi as Tommy
  • Preston Edwards as Jamie
  • Jordan Coates as Kyle
  • Alexander Blaise as a Restaurant Father
  • Allison Winn as Nativity Mary
  • Gabriela Lopez Hernandez as Deakins
  • Alexandra Rooney as a Restaurant Daughter


  • Annika Pergament as Herself
  • Ken Holmes as a Holiday Commuter
  • Kyro Wavebourne as a Dark Army Operative
  • Nathan Clarkson as Nativity Joseph
  • Alexandra Lopez Galan as a Movie Goer
  • Amy Tribbey as Aunt Sheila

