As the FBI knock on her door on the night of the Deus Group hack, the Whiterose applies lipstick in the mirror. A gunfire fight ensues in the house. The Whiterose waits as the battle finishes and her men escort her out of the blood ridden scene. The Whiterose tells a dying soldier (Graham Wolfe) that Minister Zhang is dead and that there is only the Whiterose.
The next day, at the roadside motel, Elliot and Darlene hug each other goodbye. He gives her advice for her roadtrip. Elliot says that he's been through a lot and thanks her for never giving up on him. Darlene sees Dominique and parts each other ways, celebrating their accomplishment for one last time. (“410 Gone”) She sees Mr. Robot leaning against a car and says that he grew on her. Mr. Robot cautions Elliot, but he is set on disabling the Whiterose's machine based on the USB Phillip gave him. Mr. Robot notes that they could cause a meltdown at the nuclear power plant. Elliot has already written the malware to safely do it. Mr. Robot insists that the Deus Group hack was their goal, but Elliot says that the Whiterose isn't dead until her machine is. He argues that the machine is where it all started. Mr. Robot calls it an endless war, taking down symbols, and they have to move on. Elliot looks over his shoulder and sees the younger versions of his mother Magda and himself. Elliot thinks maybe Mr. Robot should go with them. He wants to do this alone. Elliot walks away. Magda and the child version of Elliot join Mr. Robot.
Elliot boards a bus. He gets off in Washington Township, passing under a graffitied archway. He approaches the nuclear power plant and finds the security booth empty. Elliot enters with ease and finds the lobby empty and disheveled. In the offices, he plugs his drive into a computer and uploads his malware. It's successful, but he notices a dead body in another cubicle. Police sirens wail outside. Helicopters buzz above. Elliot looks over and finds the Dark Army soldiers and the Hamburger Man waiting for him. They escort him down the hallways with various dead workers all around the place. In the lower levels, Elliot is led to a room. He sees blanked out faces on the walls.
Inside is a room with a fish tank in the wall with Qwerty in it, an old computer, a book, a telephone, and two chairs. The Whiterose enters and sits down. Elliot says that this won't work on him. The objects from his past and Qwerty in the fish tank. Brainwashing won't work on him like it did with Angela. The Whiterose insists this procedure isn't about brainwashing, but understanding. The Whiterose places a box on the table. She says that she grew up with pain, not being born as who she was meant to be. She is tired of this world and its pain. All she wants is to deliver a better world. Elliot sits down. He concludes that what she wants is to destory the world and everyone she hates. He says that she can't see the good in people. The Whiterose laughs. She says that it is for everyone else who hates humanity and she who sacrifices to make the world better. Her love drives her. It is Elliot who hates society. He agrees. He's been scared of people his whole life. People who hurt him. Fuck society. But there are some rare, special people who care for you no matter what. They love him, even if he can't, and it heals him. The Whiterose grows emotional. Elliot says that people hurt each other, but we keep on living. For this he won't give up and tells the Whiterose: "Fuck you".
A red alarm goes off in the room. The Whiterose informs him that the plant is losing its cooling system because her machine takes a lot of power. Elliot insists that his malware corrupted it, but the Whiterose tells him that the machine was already running when they caught his attack. She tells him about all the lives lost in this journey will be returned once everything turns into a parallel world. Elliot tells her that the machine will cause a meltdown, which is why the Whiterose tried to move the project. She says that all of the people who will die will be reborn. She says that she will show Elliot what she showed Angela. She takes a gun from the box and points it at Elliot. He gets to decide their intertwined fates. Elliot says don't do this. The Whiterose shoots herself in the head.
Elliot tries to escape but the doors are locked. He says that he doesn't know what to do. Mr. Robot appears and tells him to try the phone. A voice says "0509" and starts speaking Russian. Elliot notices Tolstoy's "Resurrection" on the table. Mr. Robot enters the code and opens the door. In the book, Elliot discovers a floppy disk labeled "eXit". Mr. Robot wants to leave. Elliot wants to stop the meltdown and save the town. Elliot remembers that the Whiterose said that he had a choice. He puts the disk into the computer. It loads a text based game called "eXit". The player and a friend are trapped in a dungeon. They find a secret tunnel. The friend is too weak to continue and gives you a note. It is too dark to read. The Player leaves and finds a boat, winning the game and leaving for a new world. The alarm continues. Mr. Robot wants to leave. Elliot is perplexed that the Whiterose wanted him to win.
He plays the game again. Elliot chooses to sit down with the friend in the dungeon. He lights a match and reads the note "Don't leave me here". Elliot chooses to stay. The alarm shuts off. An explosion happens nearby. Mr. Robot opens the door to find a fire raging outside. He concludes that it's too late. Both of them sit down. They each say "I love you". Explosions rage around the room. "It's an exciting time in the world", Elliot says. Fade to red.
A phone rings its alarm at 11:16. A man gets out of bed, raises the curtains of his bedroom, and puts on music. It appears to be Elliot (Austin Reed Alleman) in his pristine apartment. He briefly rubs his head. In the shower he dances and then dresses in a preppy outfit. He touches his head again and takes something for his pain. His apartment begins to shake. He receives a Skype call from Angela. They discuss if that was an earthquake just now. She asks if he's ready for a work presentation that he doesn't seem to remember. He says that he woke up with a bad headache. Angela notices his moving supplies in the back that he hasn't started on. Elliot's father Edward emails him about the traffic. Angela calls him "such an only child" that his dad is worried about him. She asks if he is keeping anything from her and that he seems different. Must be the migraine. "Can't wait to marry you tomorrow", Angela says, signing off.
Elliot calls someone but there's no answer. He calls the Mr. Robot computer repair store where Edward answers in the backroom. Edward misplaced his phone. Elliot discusses Angela being suspicious about their secret. Edward calms him as a customer enters through the front. Edward finds no one in the storefront, except his cell phone on the ground. It is 11:16 AM, Friday May 9.
Elliot enters the Allsafe office. The news recounts the 5.9 magnitude earthquake that struck Washington Township at 7:30 AM. Elliot greets Lloyd at his desk, but feels his headache again. Elliot prepares him for the E-Corp meeting soon, while Lloyd corrects him to "F-Corp". Lloyd senses nervousness. Ollie walks up and hypes himself up. After Ollie leaves, Elliot sees a commercial for F-Corp that briefly flashes to E-Corp. The news then covers Zhi Zhang, a woman known for her philanthropy through her Deus charity and the Whiterose Foundation. Elliot tells Lloyd that they have to land this account. He walks into his office at CEO of Allsafe.
In the meeting, Elliot delivers his presentation to F-Corp. The executives look to their leader, Tyrell Wellick. The hoodie wearing, bearded Tyrell asks for him and Elliot to be left alone. Tyrell says that he doesn't think Allsafe is the right fit. He asks Elliot what the worst part of his life is right now. Elliot says that the worst thing is also the best thing: a boring daily routine. He imagines what an exciting life would be. Tyrell feels the same about F-Corp, being the best and worst. His company provides happiness to people, but could also be their undoing. Elliot pledges the worst will never happen with Allsafe. He has seen the worst thing that can happen to his company and can prevent it, due to the analytical reports. Tyrell just wants to know if Elliot is on his side.
Elliot and Edward eat at a restaurant for landing the F-Corp account. Elliot is solemn. Edward presents him with what they agreed upon, a signed 1st edition of The Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. Elliot is going to drop it off at Angela's apartment while she's not home. He calls to see if her mom is there. The phone picks up but hangs up immediately. Edward wants to eat, but Elliot forgot his wallet. Edward gives him money to get flowers. Later, Elliot brings flowers to Angela's apartment while talking to her on the phone. In the garbage, he notices bloody tissues and a broken glass. Angela confirms her parents were just there, while Elliot notes her father's drinking. Elliot places the gift on the table and reminds her that they are getting married tomorrow.
On the ride home, Elliot is smiling and asks the driver to turn up the radio. Returning to his apartment, he finds hoodie Elliot at his computer. "Who are you"? Elliot asks.