Mr. Robot Wiki
Mr. Robot Wiki
Mr. Robot Wiki
Date Person(s) Image(s) Cause of Death Responsible Party Last Words
December 25, unknown year (1920s) Henry Bedford SCAN 4455 Slit wrists. (“eps2.1_k3rnel-pan1c.ksd”) Suicide
Mrs. Bedford Stabbed. (“eps2.1_k3rnel-pan1c.ksd”) Henry Bedford
At least 2 Bedford kids
Vincent Wright Asphyxiation.[1] Suicide
Michael J. Lee Shot himself through the head.[2]
Between 1982 and 1989 Peng Chen Peng Chen dead Throat cut. (“403 Forbidden”) (Suicide) 这个世界永远都不够好。 (This world will never be good enough.)
1986 Mary Meghan Fisher SCAN 4467 Neck broke. (“eps2.1_k3rnel-pan1c.ksd”) Accident
1993 Jane Moss E-Corp employees Leukemia. (“eps1.2_d3bug.mkv”) E-Corp (indirectly)
1993 to 1995 24 unknown E-Corp employees
February 28, 1995 Edward Alderson Edward Alderson (dead) E-Corp (indirectly) "Maybe we should leave."
August 24, 1995 Lester Moore Lester Moore Plane crash. (“eps2.7_init5.fve”) Unknown, on orders from Whiterose
February 16, 2000 Olivia Cortez's mother Killed in the El Salado massacre. (“403 Forbidden”) Unknown, indirectly on orders from the Deus Group
Presumably December 2009 Mrs. Heyworth Car crash. (“eps2.1_k3rnel-pan1c.ksd”) Unknown
November 5, 2013 Ned Bosham SCRNSHOT 09092013 Shot in the face. (“eps2.1_k3rnel-pan1c.ksd”) Harold Bosham
Harold Bosham Fell down from a 20 storey building. (Accidental) (“eps2.1_k3rnel-pan1c.ksd”)
Unknown, presumably 2015 Jane Axenberg Note05 Unknown, possibly related or consequently to the Five/Nine Hack.

[3] [4]

2015 Bill Decrosta Note08
March 31 or April 1, 2015 Shayla Nico Shayla Nico Throat slit. (“eps1.5_br4ve-trave1er.asf”) Isaac Vera on orders from Fernando Vera "Wait! No!" (onscreen)
April 1, 2015 Isaac Vera Isaac Vera Shot. (“eps1.5_br4ve-trave1er.asf”) D.J on orders from Fernando Vera "What about security? Sirens?"
May 7, 2015 Sharon Knowles Sharon Knowles Strangled. (“eps1.6_v1ew-s0urce.flv”) Tyrell Wellick "What do you... Get off me! Stop!"
Unknown (after May 9, 2015) James Hobbes James Hobbes Unknown. (“eps2.9_pyth0n_pt2.p7z”) Suicide
Probably May 12, 2015 James Plofe James Plouffe Shot. (“eps1.9_zer0-day.avi”) Suicide "Calm down, everyone".
May 24, 2015 Justin El Assam Note03 Unknown, possibly related or consequently to the Five/Nine Hack. [5]
June 15, 2015 Gideon Goddard Gideon Goddard Shot. (“”) Brock. "I'm sorry?"
June 21, 2015 Christina Dearin Note14 Unknown, possibly related or consequently to the Five/Nine Hack. [6]
June 2015 Leslie Romero Leslie Romero Shot. (“eps2.1_k3rnel-pan1c.ksd”) His neighbor (accidental)
Late June (26-30), 2015 Kareem Hernandez Kareem Hernandez Shot. (“eps2.3_logic_b0mb.hc”) Donald "Mr. Sutherland" Hoffman Grunting
June 30, 2015 4 FBI Agents 4 FBI Agents, 2 Civilians I4 FBI Agents, 2 Civilans II Li Wei Chen and Zhang Jie Ma
2 Civilians
Li Wei Chen Li Wei Chen or Zhang Jie Ma Suicide
Zhang Jie Ma
July 1 or 2, 2015 Maxine (Dog) Killed by parasites/according to Ray Heyworth the realization that she had a master. (“eps2.4_m4ster_s1ave.aes”)
July 4, 2015 Susan Jacobs Susan Jacobs Induced Heart Attack. (“eps2.6_succ3ss0r.p12”) Darlene Alderson "I'm sure we can figure something out".
July 12. 2015 Kerry Olstern Note10 Unknown, possibly related or consequently to the Five/Nine Hack. [7]
Late July, 2015 Kevin Kevin & 4 Naziskins Shot. (“eps2.5_h4ndshake.sme”) Leon "No, no!" & Various Grunting
4 Nazis Shot and stabbed. (“eps2.5_h4ndshake.sme”)
Late July, 2015 Police Officer Cop Shot. (“”) SAC Ernesto Santiago "I was thinking you guys were gonna send the cavalry."
August 6 or 7, 2015 Francis "Cisco" Shaw Francis Cisco Shaw Shot. (“eps2.8_h1dden_pr0cess.axx”) Terrorist
Unknown Number of Civilians
Terrorist Terrorist Suicide
August 8, 2015 Koi Fish Koi Fish Asphyxiation. (“eps2.9_pyth0n_pt1.p7z”) Unknown, on orders from Whiterose
September 17, 2015 Joanna Wellick (née Olafson) Joanna Olafson Wellick Gunshot. (“eps3.1_undo.gz”) Derek "Is everything under control?"
Derek Derek Shot. (“eps3.1_undo.gz”) Donald "Mr. Sutherland" Hoffman "But now I'm gonna tell them the truth!"
September 29, 2015 Security Guard Security Guard Beaten to Death. (“eps3.4_runtime-error.r00”) Protestants, with possible inclusion of Dark Army enforcers. "No, no, no, no, no, we're gonna straighten this out".
At least 4000 people across 71 E-Corp facilities More than 4000 People Multiple Hydrogen Explosions. (“”) Tyrell Wellick with help from the Dark Army
Anand Achari (Mobley's Roommate) Mobley's roommate Throat slit. (“eps3.6_fredrick+tanya.chk”)[8] Leon
Mistress at Party Mistress Overdose. (“eps3.6_fredrick+tanya.chk”)
Sunil "Mobley" Markesh Sunil Mobley Markesh Shot. (“eps3.6_fredrick+tanya.chk”) Dark Army enforcers, masked as a suicide "You don't have to do this. You don't have to-"
Shama "Trenton" Biswas Shama Biswas Trenton "Please don't!"(onscreen)
October 23, 2015 SAC Ernesto Santiago Ernesto Santiago Struck with an axe. (“shutdown -r”) Irving "This isn't worth it. You can-"
3 Dark Army Enforcers 3 Dark Army Operatives I3 Dark Army Operatives II Shot. (“shutdown -r”) Leon
Grant Grant Suicide 照顾好她 (Take care of her.)
Angela Moss Angela Moss - tot Shot. (“401 Unauthorized”) 2 Dark Army Operatives "I'm not gonna run. So you should probably leave."
December 21, 2015 Freddy Lomax Freddie Lomax Suicide "Just don't send that video to my kids".
Before December 22, 2015 Tiger Tiger Unknown. (“401 Unauthorized”)
Before December 23, 2015 Antelope Animals01Animals02Animals03 Unknown causes (“402 Payment Required”)
6 Bears
4 Boars
3 Deer
Polar Bear
Beatrice Beatrice
Nurse's Mother Unknown. (“402 Payment Required”)
December 23, 2015 Magda Alderson
Agent Horton Agent Horton Thrown from a building, staged as a suicide. (“402 Payment Required”) Janice
December 24, 2015 D.J DJ dead Shot. (“403 Forbidden”) Fernando Vera "No, ple--"
December 25, 2015 Deer Deer (2) Hit by a truck driven by a Dark Army enforcer. (“404 Not Found”)
Dark Army Enforcer Dark Army Enforcer Shot. (“404 Not Found”) (Suicide)
Tyrell Wellick (debatable) Dark Army Enforcer "I'm just gonna go for a walk".
Fernando Vera Fernando Vera dead Stabbed. (“407 Proxy Authentication Required”) Krista Gordon "I see you now".
At least 4 Dark Army Operatives Shot. (“408 Request Timeout”) Deegan McGuire and his associates
Janice Janice Dead Dominique DiPierro "If you proceed down this path, I will use every means at my disposal to make sure that you nev--"
2 Dark Army Operatives 2 Dark Army Operatives Dominique DiPierro
Phillip Price Price (dead) Shot. (“409 Conflict”) Whiterose "You just ran out of time".
December 26, 2015 At least 17 FBI Agents 17 FBI Agents (1)17 FBI Agents (2) Shot. (“eXit”) Dark Army Enforcers
At least 11 Washington Township Nuclear Plant Employees
The Whiterose Whiterose (dead) (Suicide) "You get to decide".